Flying Sandal Landscape 1976 glazed earthenware 42 x 17 x 14 "
Hardened Heart 1979 glazed earthenware
17 x 16 x 9"
Kali Lily Bodyscape 1980 earthenware
36 x 36 x 12"
Cigar Soul Indian Facescape 1986 earthenware 22 x 20 x 4"
Fetus Phoenix 1984 earthenware
18 x 9 x 4"
Brackenfern Mask 1986 earthenware
18 x 17 x 4"
Fossil Woman Vessel - flesh/grey 1989 stoneware 24 x 17 x 12"
This early work was influenced by the Bay Area Figurative focus on bodies in connection with nature, interpreted literally with heads, feet, arms, torsos sprouting leaves, flowers, roots, wings.
Wild Bird Vessel 1988 stoneware
20 x 18 x 4"